Clipped In Races

Folsom Grom


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Folsom Grom Race Series

The Folsom Grom Race Series provides groms* in 5th grade and under with the opportunity to learn the ropes of mountain bike racing in a safe, fun environment. The series features six weeknight races in the spring and fall on specially built flow trails at Lakeside Church in Folsom and District Church in El Dorado Hills. Kids experience the camaraderie of racing alongside their peers with elementary school specific categories.

*Grom (noun): The shortened form of grommet, also describing a young mountain biker who tears it up on the trails.

Race Info


Races 1, 2, & 3
Lakeside Church
745 Oak Ave Pkwy, Folsom, CA 95630

Races 4, 5, & 6
District Church
7000 Rossmore Ln, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Upcoming Races
  • 08 Mar

    Family Bike Rodeo

    Free family bike event to help parents and kids ride safe, smart, and joyous!

  • 11 Mar

    678 Jr High MTB

    8-week MTB ride club for Junior High

  • 07 Jun

    Mother Lode Epic

    Point-to-point race featuring 4 timed stages over 39 miles & a boat transfer.

  • 07 Dec

    California International Marathon

    Marathon from Folsom Dam to the State Capitol, #1 Boston Qualifier & fastest course in the West

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