Clipped In Races


Race 1: Skyline Wilderness Park


Venue FAQs

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about our race venue. For series-related FAQs (registration, race credits, categories, rules, etc.), please visit our main Sacramento Cyclocross FAQs page.

  • Where do I park and is there a cost?

    Skyline Wilderness Park
    2201 Imola Ave Napa, CA 94559
    Race parking is $10 per vehicle.*

    Save time and hassle on race day by pre-paying for parking. Pre-pay option is available until Friday, September 20 at 5:00 pm. Your name will be on a list when you arrive at the parking lot.

    From Imola Ave, please follow the signs to Race Parking. You MUST enter via the racer parking lot (map). Pre-paid parking for SacCX is NOT valid at the main park entrance gate.

    You may pay for parking on race day using cash (preferred!), Venmo or credit card (no Apple or tap-to-pay, sorry).

    *Current Skyline Park passholders will not be charged.

    Overnight Parking
    Racers may park overnight in the racer parking lot (map) on Friday, September 20 & Saturday, September 21, 2024. Please note, this is a dry camping area with no infrastructure. Porta-potties are stationed nearby. Bring what you need to be self sufficient, and pack out all trash. Campfires are not allowed in this area.

    If you would like a camping spot with infrastructure, please book a site directly through Skyline Wilderness Park: Skyline Camping Reservations.

  • What is there to eat?

    Start your morning with delicious smoothies and juices from FRESH Napa. Clipped In for Life will have brewed coffee onsite in the morning at registration, donations accepted.

    La Casa Del Taco will be onsite for your post-race fuel needs with their food truck.

  • Will there be beer?

    Why yes… yes there will! Enjoy fresh, local, craft beer from Bike Dog Brewing. Beers are $5 and proceeds support Clipped In for Life.

  • Tell me more about camping options.

    Racers must pay the $10 per vehicle race parking fee to park overnight. Racers may park overnight in the racer parking lot (map) on Friday, September 20 & Saturday, September 21, 2024. Please note, this is a dry camping area with no infrastructure. Porta-potties are stationed nearby. Bring what you need to be self sufficient (including water), and pack out all trash. Campfires are not allowed in this area.

    Save time and hassle on race day by pre-paying for parking. Pre-pay option is available until Friday, September 20 at 5:00 pm. Your name will be on a list when you arrive at the parking lot.

    From Imola Ave, please follow the signs to Race Parking. You MUST enter via the racer parking lot (map). Pre-paid parking for SacCX is NOT valid at the main park entrance gate.

    You may pay for parking on race day using cash (preferred!), Venmo or credit card (no Apple or tap-to-pay, sorry).

    *Current Skyline Park passholders will not be charged.

    If you would like a camping spot with infrastructure, please book a site directly through Skyline Wilderness Park: Skyline Camping Reservations.

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