Clipped In Races

Course Information

Race 2: Sunset Whitney Rec Area


Course Information

The wide open spaces of this former golf course gives us the opportunity to stretch the legs a bit. Be ready for a nice wide course and plenty of pure cross features as you navigate the rolling terrain. It’s all on the table here, with paved paths, dirt singletrack, vertical challenges and traditional grass speed.

Course Preview

Course length: 1.9 miles (1.6 miles for 10:15 & 1:45 races)

Elevation per lap: ~120 feet (75 ft for 10:15 & 1:45 races)

Course direction: Counter Clockwise

Bib position: On the left

Chip Placement: Please wear your RFID chip on either ankle on the OUTSIDE of your sock! If your sock gets too mud-soaked it won’t read.


If you would like to pre-ride the course, you may do so from 8:00 am to 9:10 am on race morning. If you arrive after that time, please queue just past the finish line as a race is finishing up. The race announcer will let you know when you may get on the course to pre-ride. Please do not ever pass someone who is currently racing! If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them at the registration tent.

Course Map

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